Do you ramble during job interviews?

Launch #102

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Your interview answers should be short and to the point

In Case You Missed It…

Do you ramble during your interviews?

I had a client (software) few weeks ago who couldn't answer a single interview question in under 3 minutes.

Despite letting him know that responses should be kept short, he’d often go on about unnecessary details.

I found myself constantly interrupting him to get him back on track.

Here's what I told him (and what I'll tell you): Treat your interview answers like headlines, not novels. Deliver your key point in 60 seconds or less, then pause and let the interviewer guide the conversation deeper if they're interested.

Most experienced professionals think more detail equals better communication, but they're dead wrong.

In a world where hiring managers are assessing both your skills AND your ability to communicate clearly, being concise isn't just a skill—it's your secret weapon.

The Problem with Information Overload

Think about the last time someone took forever to answer a simple question.

How long did you actually pay attention before your mind wandered?

Most hiring managers report they mentally check out after about 45 seconds of an answer.

That means if you're still building up to your main point at the one-minute mark, nobody's home to receive it.

As a scientist that’s been involved in hiring in the environmental engineering space, I've sat through hundreds of interviews and I can tell you that even the most interested interviewer has limits.

The harsh truth is that your comprehensive answer isn't being thorough—it's being exhausting.

When you over-explain in interviews or go off on tangents, you're accidentally sending three dangerous messages:

  • You can't prioritize information

  • You don't value the interviewer's time

  • You might communicate this way on the job, too

The psychology here is pretty straightforward.

People associate concise communication with clear thinking.

If you can't package your thoughts efficiently during an interview, employers wonder how you'll handle communication challenges at work.

That VP who seems impatient with your detailed explanation of your project management approach? She's not being rude.

She's calculating how many meetings you'll derail with the same tendencies.

I've had brilliant clients with incredible experience who couldn't land jobs because they couldn't edit themselves.

The irony is that they think they're being thorough and dedicated, but they're actually appearing unfocused and tone-deaf.

Your interview isn't a chance to dump everything you know.

It's a strategic conversation where you highlight what matters most.

And here's the kicker: brevity doesn't mean you're leaving out important details.

It means you're respecting the interviewer enough to give them the most important parts first, letting them ask for more if they want it.

So how exactly do you fix this problem?

The 45-Second Answer Framework

Let me share a simple formula that's helped hundreds of my clients nail their interviews.

I call it the "60-Second Framework," and it works for virtually any interview question.

The idea is straightforward: structure every answer to fit comfortably under 60 seconds.

If you talk at a normal pace, that's roughly 125-175 words—a little longer than the length of this paragraph so far.

Most interview questions can be fully answered in this timeframe, believe it or not.

Here's how the framework breaks down:

  • 15 seconds: Direct answer to the question (the headline)

  • 25 seconds: Brief supporting example or context

  • 15 seconds: Connection to the job you're interviewing for

  • 5 seconds: Clean conclusion or transition

Let's see how this works with a common interview question:

"Tell me about a time you handled a difficult team situation."

A rambling answer might start with explaining your entire job history and the company's background.

The 60-second version:

"Last year as project manager at Accenture, I had two team members in open conflict over project direction. I scheduled individual conversations, identified common ground, and facilitated a resolution meeting. We delivered the project two days early. This experience refined my mediation skills, which I see being valuable in your collaborative environment."

That's it. Complete answer in under 60 seconds.

The magic happens after you finish, when the interviewer says,

"That's interesting, tell me more about how you handled those individual conversations."

Now they're engaged and directing the conversation toward what interests them.

You've earned the right to elaborate because you respected their time first.

Remember: your goal isn't to say everything—it's to say enough to make them want to hear more.

This approach shifts the dynamic entirely from you pushing information to them pulling it.

So how do you practice this technique so it becomes second nature?

Practice Makes Concise

The good news is that concise interviewing is a learnable skill.

You don't need special talent—just deliberate practice.

Start by recording yourself answering common interview questions.

Most people are shocked when they hear how long they actually talk versus how long they think they talk.

Set a timer for 60 seconds and force yourself to complete your answer before it goes off.

It will feel rushed and incomplete at first—that's normal.

With practice, you'll get better at identifying what's truly essential to communicate.

Here are three exercises that drastically improve interview conciseness:

  • The Elevator Pitch Challenge: Explain your career to a friend in the time it takes to ride an elevator (30 seconds)

  • The Headline Method: Start every practice answer with the most important conclusion first

  • The Rule of Three: Limit yourself to making just three points in any answer, no matter how complex the question

What most people don't realize is that interviewers are constantly assessing how you'll communicate on the job.

But what about situations where more detail actually is required?

When More Detail Is Actually Needed

Sometimes you absolutely do need to provide more comprehensive answers.

The key is knowing when those moments are and how to handle them effectively.

Watch for these specific signals that the interviewer wants you to elaborate:

  • They ask a direct follow-up question

  • They lean forward or show increased interest

  • They explicitly say, "Tell me more about that"

  • They're taking notes on what you're saying

Even in these situations, deliver information in digestible chunks.

Pause naturally after making a point to give the interviewer a chance to redirect if needed.

Think of it as offering small plates instead of an overwhelming buffet all at once.

One of my clients, a technical project manager, struggled with this balance in engineering interviews.

She'd either give one-word answers or launch into ten-minute technical explanations.

We practiced what I call "layered communication"—starting with a concise overview, then adding detail in response to interest.

During her next interview, she explained a complex system migration in 45 seconds, then expanded on the technical challenges when the interviewer specifically asked.

The feedback? "Finally, someone who can translate technical concepts clearly."

Remember that different interview formats may require adjustments to this approach.

What about panel interviews, where you're facing multiple interviewers with different interests?

Handling Different Interview Formats

Panel interviews might seem like they require more detailed answers, but the opposite is often true.

With multiple people assessing you, being concise becomes even more crucial.

In panel settings, direct your initial answer to the person who asked the question.

Watch for non-verbal cues from the entire panel to gauge their interest level.

If you notice someone perk up at a particular point, you can briefly expand on that aspect.

Technical interviews sometimes require demonstrations of deep knowledge, but still start concisely.

One effective approach is to say, "I can give you the short version or go deeper into the technical details—which would you prefer?"

This shows both command of the material and awareness of their needs.

The same principles apply to virtual interviews, though connection delays make timing even more important.

Let's wrap this up with what happened to my client after she mastered this approach.

The Payoff

I've seen this transformation happen dozens of times with job seekers.

After practicing the 60-second framework for just a couple weeks, interview feedback shifts dramatically.

People who were previously labeled "too detailed" or "long-winded" suddenly get described as "articulate" and "focused."

One recent client advanced to final rounds at three companies after making this single change to her communication style.

The hiring manager at the company she ultimately chose specifically mentioned her "clear communication style" as a deciding factor.

This isn't just about getting through interviews—it's about demonstrating how you'll communicate on the job.

In today's workplace, the ability to distill complex ideas into accessible language is a superpower.

Your expertise is only valuable if you can communicate it effectively.

  • Being concise doesn't mean being shallow

  • It means being considerate of others' time and attention

  • It demonstrates confidence in your own knowledge

The best part? This skill transfers to every professional interaction you'll have.

What part of interview communication do you struggle with the most?

Best career advice I’ve seen all week

Never let your interviews get to this stage…

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